NeoGenesis Reviews

NeoGenesis Reviews

Condition: Fibroblast Skin Tightening

“I used this Recovery serum after a nitrogen plasma treatment. I healed quickly and any treatment markings cleared rapidly. Although it is pricey, I highly recommend for all post-recovery from lasers, plasma pen or micro-needling.” ~ CR – Art of Skin Care

Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

Condition: Chemical Peel

NeoGenesis Recovery for faster healing of Chemical Peels“As my initial pictures indicate, I had a reaction to a peel. I applied Recovery over about half my neck. The next set of pictures shows my neck roughly one hour later. The final set of pictures show my neck roughly 24 hours later. The side that I put Recovery on completely calmed down. The side I did not put Recovery on, blistered! Ouch. For a reaction to a peel, as a licensed aesthetician, I recommend Recovery right away!” ~ SY


Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

Condition: Pore Size

“Unbelievable! I love this product! I have always had larger pores on the lower sides of my nose. They are virtually gone, even in my mirror with magnification! I am thrilled!” ~ CS – Art of Skin Care

Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

Condition: Scar Reduction

“This friend, in her mid 20’s, has a deep scar on her lip from an accident she had 6 years ago.  The accident tore her top lip apart and left her with a very visible scar (it looks like a scar one would have after repairing a cleft lip).  So I had begun doing needling treatments on her lip with another skin care line. Then I included RECOVERY and SKIN SERUM during the 3rd treatment.  These products took her results to a whole new level!! By the time the treatment was over, the scar looked a lot smoother and blended in with her lips.  She was ecstatic that she could finally feel confident in herself and not be so self-conscious over the way people would look at her.  She obviously went home with RECOVERY!!!” ~ MV

Products: NeoGenesis Recovery, Skin Serum

Conditions: Acne, Scar Reduction

“The NeoGenesis Recovery serum is the most amazing product I have ever used. I am on day 4 and every morning I wake to noticeably diminished acne scars. I have 20 + year old ice pick acne scars practically healing before my eyes. It is incredible, exciting and just shy of miraculous. This is more like a medicine than a skincare product … but I’m oh so happy I can get it without a prescription. Thank you NeoGenesis, Inc.”  ~ ALA

Product: NeoGenesis Recovery

Conditions: Eczema, Dermatitis

“I have suffered for over 20 years with a leg rash that was eventually diagnosed as eczema. I thought for sure I would never be able to wear shorts or a dress. I tried everything that was available, from Dr’s RX’s to professional Spa products with no change or effect.”  ~ BK


Product: NeoGenesis Recovery


Condition: Mature/Ageing Skin

“Amazing serum! I’ve been putting this on my Eleven’s….those 2 little lines that form between your eyebrows. This really helps to relax and smooth out those lines!” ~ LA – Art of Skin Care

Product: Booster

Conditions: Microneedling, Mature/Ageing Skin

“FAV SERUM. I love to use this serum when I’m microneedling. I’ve definitely seen a lightening in my sunspots and an overall healthier complexion!” ~ KW – Art of Skin Care

Product: Booster

Condition: Mature/Ageing Skin

“The product is simple and effective to use, absorbs immediately and has improved my skin moisture as well as effectively diminished a stubborn wrinkle.” ~ HB – Art of Skin Care

Product: Intensive Moisturizer

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